You’ll Lean How To
- Create full 60-min Balletone workouts that allow new Balletone participants to feel successful while still challenging seasoned enthusiasts.
- Teach an effective ballet-based fitness workout to the “non-dancer” so that all participants feel successful, elegant, and strong.
- Cue for every type of learner
- Use the concepts learned in the Balletone certification to augment the content in your other fitness classes.
- ACE 0.7, AFAA 7.0, NASM 0.7, SCW 7.0
- Registration is facilitated by the US Office - Click Here
- Please note there are no Canadian CEC's for this program. You will need to petition to your certifying agency.
Course Materials
- Print & Electronic Instructor Manual
- Certificate of Completion
- Instructor Web Account
- Balletone: A Dancer’s Workout DVD, hard copy and digital versions
- Opportunity full online education library
- Exclusive discounts on equipment and apparel